

JPM Global Macro Sustainable C acc EUR

Performances du fonds

Détail du fonds

Catégorie : Macro Trading EUR
Code ISIN : LU2003419376
Lancement : 30/08/2019
Profil de risque :
Profil de risque établi par l'Autorité des Marchés Financiers.


100.36 €
Date de valeur : 05/09/2024
Dernière variation :-0.56 %
1er janv :2.67 %
1 an :1.32 %
3 ans :-7.68 %
5 ans :-0.05 %

Présentation et objectifs du fonds

Objective To achieve a return in excess of its cash benchmark by investing globally in a portfolio of securities with positive E/S characteristics, currencies and using derivatives where appropriate. Securities with positive E/S characteristics are securities from issuers that the Investment Manager believes show effective governance and superior management of environmental and/or social issues. Investment Process Investment Approach Q Uses an investment process based on macroeconomic research to identify global investment themes and opportunities. Q Flexible and focused approach to take advantage of global trends and changes through traditional and non-traditional assets. Q Fully integrated, risk management framework provides detailed portfolio analysis. Q Seeks to provide the majority of its returns through securities with positive E/S characteristics by incorporating ESG factors, exclusions and positioning the portfolio positively towards companies with above average ESG scores. Share Class Benchmark ICE BofA ESTR Overnight Rate Index Total Return in EUR Benchmark uses and resemblance Q Performance comparison. The Sub-Fund is actively managed without reference or constraints relative to its benchmark. Main investment exposure Invests, either directly or through derivatives, in securities with positive E/S characteristics, comprisedof equities, debt securities, government debt and convertible securities. The Sub-Fund may also invest in currencies. Issuers of securities may be located in any country, including emerging markets. The Sub-Fund may invest up to 10% of its assets in onshore PRC securities including China A-Shares through the China-Hong Kong Stock Connect Programmes and onshore debt securities issued within the PRC through China-Hong Kong Bond Connect. The Sub-Fund invests at least 25% of assets excluding Ancillary Liquid Assets, Deposits with Credit Institutions, money market instruments, money market funds and derivatives for EPM, in Sustainable Investments, as defined under SFDR, contributing to environmental or social objectives. The Sub-Fund will maintain an average asset-weighted ESG score above the MSCI median for each of the asset classes in which itinvests, excluding cash holdings and currencies. The MSCI median for equity and credit is the median ESG score of the MSCI AllCountries World Index and for government bonds is the median ESG score of MSCI Country Scores for Developed and Emerging Markets (excluding Frontier Markets). The Sub-Fund will maintain an average asset-weighted ESG score above the asset weighted combination of these medians. The Investment Manager evaluates and applies values and norms based screening. To support this screening, the Investment Manager relies on third party provider(s) who identify an issuer's participation in or the revenue which they derive from activities that are inconsistent with the screens. The list of screens applied that may result in exclusions can be found in the Management Company's Website ( ). The Sub-Fund may also invest in below investment grade and unrated debt securities. Allocations may vary significantly and the Sub-Fund may be concentrated in, or have net long or net short exposure to, certainmarkets, sectors or currencies from time to time. The Investment Manager may also take both long and short positions in indices which may contain securities that would otherwise be excluded from the investment universe. The Investment Manager however will not have long exposure in indices where 30% or more of the index is composedof securities that are on the exclusions list. In addition, the aggregate long exposure via derivatives to excluded securities will not exceed 5%equity delta, in order to limit exposure to excluded securities. Equity delta measures the price sensitivity of the derivatives to changes in the price of the underlying securities and is used as a measure of exposure. Short positions do not reward companies considered less sustainable, but rather allow the Investment Manager to more fully express its active views while seeking to meet its objective. Up to 100% of assets in Deposits with Credit Institutions and money market instruments and up to 10% of assets in money market funds for investment purposes, defensive purposes and for managing cash subscriptions and redemptions as well as current and exceptional payments. Other investment exposure Up to 20% of net assets in Ancillary Liquid Assets for managing cash subscriptions and redemptions as well as current and exceptional payments. Up to 100% of net assets in Ancillary Liquid Assets for defensive purposes on a temporary basis, if justified by exceptionally unfavourable market conditions. Derivatives Used for: investment purposes;hedging;efficient portfolio management. Types: see Sub-Fund Derivative Usage table under How the Sub-Funds Use Derivatives, Instruments and Techniques . TRS including CFD: 28% expected;105% maximum. Global exposure calculation method: absolute VaR. Expected level of leverage from derivatives: 400% indicative only. Leverage may significantly exceed this level from time to time. Currencies Sub-Fund Base Currency : EUR. Currencies of asset denomination : any. Hedging approach: flexible. Redemption and Dealing Shares of the Sub-Fund may be redeemed on demand, with dealing normally on a daily basis. Distribution Policy This Share Class does not pay dividends. Earned income is retained in the Net Asset Value. SFDR Classification Article 8